A single porcelain veneer can greatly enhance a smile when using a custom blend of porcelains
This patient came in frustrated and disappointed with a recent restoration on a front tooth. On exam, we discovered a damaged central incisor, with a pre-existing veneer that was over-sized and poorly fitted at the gum-line. The overall color was a flat mono-chromatic porcelain which did not match well.
We discussed options to solve this problem: her decision came down to whether she preferred the flat mono-chromatic porcelain look, or whether she preferred the idiosyncratic details within her own natural enamel. To have preferred a flat color, many teeth would require veneers that replaced the mottled enamel with single creamy mix of porcelain – however, the patient preferred the concept of conservative dentistry and chose to accept the look of her natural dentition.
This damaged central incisor was restored with a new porcelain veneer. Custom color-matching was performed, and detailed to the ceramist in a color map; the ceramist then created a blend of feldspathic porcelains to re-create the natural intrinsic stains that make this porcelain life-like and real. The bonded porcelain veneer returns rigidity and strength to the front of this damaged tooth, and returns symmetry and confidence to the patient.

After photo: placement of a hand-stacked custom blend of feldspathic porcelains on the left central incisor mirror the intrinsic details of the natural right central incisor.
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